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CD music - Serbia & ex-Yugoslavia - pop, rock & rap (896)

CD music - Serbia & ex-Yugoslavia - folk, ethno & soundtracks (558)

LP / Vinyl Serbian Releases (168)

LP / Vinyl Foreign Records (161)

CD - Music for kids (63)

MP3 compilations on USB flash drive (22)

Blu-ray movies with Serbian or Croatian subtitles (113)

Blu-ray movies with english subtitles (258)

Blu ray - music & concerts (83)

Foreign DVD movies - The newest hit titles (131)

Foreign DVD movies - older titles (148)

CD - foreign releases (680)

Newest DVD releases (500)

Blu-ray for 2.99-9.99 euros (167)

Serbian and ex-Yu DVDs with English and other foreign subtitles (63)

Blu-ray 4K UHD & 3D releases (40)



PC, Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo - games and acessories


BDR Media books

EYESBURN - merchandise

Plastic Jesus (DVD)

Plastic Jesus (DVD)
3.99 EUR or 4.39 USD or 399.00 RSD
for customers from Serbia prices in RSD apply
for foreign customers prices in EUR / USD apply

Tom, from Zagreb, unprovided for life, is trying to make a movie in Belgrade. He survives somehow with different women taking him in.

He does't believe in anything, doesn't respect anyone, he is sensitive to order and force, to leaders and ideologies, and constantly in conflict with common law. Since some crazy American woman left him, Tom binds himself to a woman whose husband is abroad. When she throws him out, he goes to her sister's husband, who murders him out of jelaousy in the end.

The main action happens in the frame of small every day's events and in the context of major historic movements in 1968. with interlaced contemporary and past events, under the watchful eye of leaders of all sorts. In fact, a diverse movie material is the only thing which really occupied Tom during his life.

Director: Lazar Stojanovic

year of production: 1990

spoken language: serbian

subtitles: none

Publisher / Supplier / Importer: Zmex

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